Monday, September 27, 2004

Computer Keyboard, Fingernails

Today I tried making sound by playing the keys of my laptop with my fingers and fingernails. I wasn't really able to make as wide a variety of sounds as I'd expected by typing alone, I resorted to running my fingernails along the cracks between rows of keys, and to holding my fingers in different orientations as a means of expanding the range of sounds I could produce.

The prime factors determining what sort of sound I got seemed to be whether my fingernails came in contact with the keys, and how hard I typed. Just now, as I type, I'm struck that the rythm, cadence, timbres, and patterns of the sounds I'm producing are more interesting, though perhaps less varied than what I was able to achieve.

I began today after writing a few paragraphs about a (series of) piece(s) I'm developing inspired by Parsons Way in Kennebunkport, Maine. I kept the document open and as I played the keyboard, my experimentation left its mark beneath my writings. This might be fertile ground for exploration. While I type, the sound of my fingers on the keys is an incidental, yet interesting and aesthetically pleasing (to my ears anyway) alternative mapping of my exercise. While I play, the collection of characters I produce is an incidental, yet interesting and aesthetically pleasing (to my eyes anyway) alternative mapping of my exercise.


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